2-Step Popcorn

Looking to have a cozy night in and need something to snack on? This popcorn is our go to when we are craving something salty to pair with our favorite movie or tv show. The directions are for stove top popcorn as I think it gives it a more fresh taste but you can easily sub for microwaved as well.

Here is what you'll need:

  • Popcorn kernels (1/2 cup)
  • Oil 1-2 T depending on the size of your pot (I prefer olive or avocado oil but any type you have works fine)
  • Spray oil or butter
  • Pete's Spice (about 1/4 tsp)


  • Heat up about 1/4 inch of oil in a small pot
  • Add kernels and cover the pot until you no longer hear the kernels popping
  • Spray with either spray oil or butter and season with Pete's Spice (Start with a small amount first, you can always add more because it gets spicy quick!)
